Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend Wrapup

This weekend was HOT.
The weather is so weird we literally transition from heat to a/c overnight, I'll never understand it.
Saturday morning I set out for 12 miles. I run to the park and than around the park. There are some massive hills on the route, so I figure it's like 2 workouts in one. I didn't get out as early as I wanted and with the heat and humidity the 12 miles became 10, but it was a good run and I felt really energized afterward and not tired. I hate feeling worn out and tired after a run.

The rest of the day was spent outside, playing with the kids and doing yard work.

Sunday we went fishing. I don't like to fish, I feel bad for the fish, Adam thought it was cool though.
I just kinda hung back with the baby.
The Yankees were on Sunday night baseball and they did not win! Not a good way to start the week. I usually order the extra innings baseball on TV so I can watch all the games but it's $179 and well I'd rather have $179 worth of running stuff!

This week is technically a short one for me. I leave for the BEACH on Friday!!! Can't wait.
I hope to get some running in while I'm out of town, but who knows.
I also need to concentrate on getting my strength training in. I don't belong to a gym so I usually count of videos for that. I like the Jillian DVD's, Jackie Warner, and Gunner Peterson.
When I'm doing them regularly I notice a difference, but, I'd rather be running and I only have so much time. I'm really going to concentrate on 3 sessions a week. I've got to stop being lazy on the weekends!
I'm not training for anything specific. I don't really plan to run another race until Sept/Oct.
Right now I just want to increase my speed and endurance... we'll see...

Do you "train" year round?
Do you follow a training schedule or make it up as you go along?

Happy Monday hope your weekend was filled with fun!


  1. I definitely make up my training schedules. I look up plans and then tweak them for me and for my schedule that week. I cut back my miles when there is no race ahead and try to do more hills/speed but that doesn't always work! My hubby was fishing on Sunday too (I watched/tanned/read). The weather was great, wasn't it?

  2. Wasn't the heat amazing? But it's back to our regularly scheduled cold crap today, oh well.
    I do not train year round. I gave myself the first 3 months of the year off by not going to Boston this year. I'm trying to ramp up now to begin official fall marathon training on June 1.
    I always follow a plan, more or less. ; )

  3. I absolutely follow a training schedule! I like knowing what is coming and being ableto cross it off once it is done! Only once in a while do I ever stray from it, (like this weekend, when the weather was so good that I added another run that wasn't on the schedule!)
